
     Impact of two paradigms                                                   


In Front of the...

Older Sister -That final, wonderful product of Democracy II

Do not look at me, but make a joint and open the window

Ne gledaj me tako već smotaj mi jedan i otvori prozor!

Older Sister -That final, wonderful product of Democracy I

Do not look at me like that! And run to the corner and buy me a cigg-pack while
mom did not come...

Ne gledaj me tako već trči do ćoška i kupi mi paklicu dok mama nije došla...


while the sun is out, a drunk man is raving .
while it's raining outside, the man still suffers.
while outside it's pouring rain, man is 'peeling' brandy...
while the rain is pouring outside the man just drinks.
while outside the sun is shining, a man full and drinks a cup...
dok napolju ima sunca, čovek pijan bunca.
dok napolju kiša pada, čovek dalje strada.
dok napolju kiša pljusti, čovek lozu ljušti.
dok napolju kiša lije, čovek samo pije.
dok napolju sunce sija, čovek puni i ispija...


She is floating, intoxicated by the sound of a distance...
She is fascinated, deeply in the Golden Spin...
She is happy tonight...


Granny and numbers

8752 days, the same chair, desk and typewriter.
times on the 1st May she handed flowers and a bottle of champagne to the president, who was changed every four years.
times was on sick leave and suffered remarks from the Deputy Mayor
times she got the clock with the carved number of a decade of working years, the fourth decade was marked by voucher for edible oil.
24 copies of Parker pens she receivede for being a worker who was never absent.

Once she is been drawn on the international lottery a seven-day family trip to Barcelona, but the former president had accidentally an exigent meeting just in tese days, in that city... for days he sent flowers to her, with a letter with explanation that it would be the best for the local budget if she cedes his plane tickets and 5 stars hotel-voucher.
times her office had been whitewashed.
times she used the collective holiday.
Yesterday was the first time in her work-period when she came smiling to work and went home too.
Today she is the saddest person in the municipality's building.
The Government extended the working period for women to another 5 years.
- 14752 dan, ista stolica, sto i pisaća mašina.- 42 puta je za 1.maj predala cveće i bocu ša-
mpanjca predsedniku, koji se svake četvrte godine menjao.
- 18 puta je bila na bolovanju i gutala knedle trpeći prigovore opštinskog sekretara.- 3 puta je dobila sat sa urezanim dekadnim brojem radnih godina, cetvrta dekada je obeležena bonom za jestivo ulje: koliko godina toliko litara.- 24 kopija parker-penkala dobila je kao radnik bez izostanaka.- Jedanput je u internoj lutriji izvukla porodično sedmodnevno putovanje za Barselonu ali je tadašnji predsednik slučajno imao neodloživ sastanak baš u tom gradu i danima joj je slao cveće sa pismom da je najbolje za lokalni budžet ako ona ustupi avionske karte i vaučer u hotelu od 5 zvezdica.- 4 puta su joj okrečili kancelariju.- 8 puta je bila na listi za kolektivni odmor.- 2 puta je bila na kolektivni odmor.
Juče je prvi put u svom radnom veku došla i otišla nasmejana sa posla. Ispunila je uslov za penziju.
Danas je najtužnija i najćutljivija. Ministar je produžio radni vek žena za još 5 godina.


dancer :2009


outdoor product : 2006